The treatment procedures are performed with dental microscope “Opmi Pico Zeiss”.
– first aid to patients with dental, jaw and facial pain;
– root canal treatment and retreatment;
– cast post, glass fiber, zirconia post removal by special means ( ultrasonic, pneumatic instruments);
– foreign bodies and separated instruments removal from root canal;
– miscellaneous tooth and root perforation treatment;
– resorbed and undeveloped root canal treatment and retreatment; – dental trauma treatment;
– surgical endodontics (root tip resection and filling, perforation and resorption filling, inflamed tissue removal and biopsy).
The patient complained of fistula near the left lower molar. There is a cast post, furcal and apical lesion of tooth 36# in radiovisiographical image.
Removed cast post, found old furcal perforation, leaky root canal fillings. Perforation was filled, root canals were retreated.
After 8 months
Bone lesions healed in apical and frugal areas.
The patient was referred by colleague for tooth 37# root canal treatment.
The medial root is double bended and this complicates the treatment. Estimated root canal length, complicated medial root anatomy.
Filled root canals.
The patient was referred by colleague for tooth 36# root canal
retreatment. There is the separated instrument in mesial root.
Estimated root canal length, separated instrument removal. Treatment II
Root canal treatment finalised, root canals filled with sealer and thermoplastic gutta percha (Obtura III).
The patient complained of tooth 26# pain on biting.
There is the apical lesion, pulp chamber floor dental tissue defect,
extended root canal filling beyond the apex in radiovisiographical image.
The three perforations filled with MTA. The root canals filled with sealer
and thermoplastic gutta percha (Obtura III).
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